Whats the latest news on this ?
Been quiet lately.
whats the latest news on this ?
been quiet lately..
Whats the latest news on this ?
Been quiet lately.
i predict that in a year kingdumb halls will be replaced by zoom.
they will still have assembly halls but will charge a heavy entry fee.
baptisms will continue to be so low that would not be worth counting.
so--to review.
publications --? still going on ?
door knocking-?
meetings- ?
merging congs and selling off halls-?
not much left of it-is there ?
he was the secretary before he resigned years ago.
he has a business that kept him involved with the kingdom hall.
the hall was sold to another church.
to go off topic for a minute..
what if a congregation owned its hall outright--never had a mortgage or loan from the watchtower---and the body of elders decided to sell up. are they legally required to hand over the dosh to the watchtower ?
i cannot seem to find any information on which elder/s are assigned to do a shepherding visit on a congregation member.
does one of them have to be the member's field group leader?
can any elders do a shepherding visit at a member's request?
reading back over Donnys posts ten years back--it strikes me he is simply not one of the congregation "in " crowd--probably has no real friends either in the congregation--nor in the real world. it will be a sad day for him when he finally gets shoved out the door.
i cannot seem to find any information on which elder/s are assigned to do a shepherding visit on a congregation member.
does one of them have to be the member's field group leader?
can any elders do a shepherding visit at a member's request?
@Donnye....have you considered mentioning to your elders that you are a member of this site ?
okay, i haven't been to a meeting in over 17 years and i don't live anywhere near the place i grew up.
i have had minimal contact with my jw family, essentially just occasional phone conversations.
i think they could easily guess that i'm inactive but they pretend not to know and they've never shunned me.
i had to clear my old jw dad's house out when he went into a care home--2013. along with car loads of watchtowers going back 50 years and books--there was a large cardboard box of congregation records--all went to the tip.
blondie, flipper, shirley w, where are you?
did this site get too republican for you?
i just take those threads with a grain of salt..
lady lee pops up on my facebook as a friend suggestion..i recognised her photo and name.
blondie, flipper, shirley w, where are you?
did this site get too republican for you?
i just take those threads with a grain of salt..
youre right--not seen flipper for a while now.
a recent post by atlantis/ petra was about destroying old books, some of which had been studied and placed over the years.. is witnessing these days only about directing people to jworg, are there books that are placed, or is hq concerned enough about having ever-changing beliefs in print that they avoid it?.
maybe the watchtower should put out an edict that if any "associates" do sell any old literature on ebay / car boots etc they are to hand any money over to the org.
i'm sure they could dig up a scripture to support their instruction.
a recent post by atlantis/ petra was about destroying old books, some of which had been studied and placed over the years.. is witnessing these days only about directing people to jworg, are there books that are placed, or is hq concerned enough about having ever-changing beliefs in print that they avoid it?.
i wonder if these old books on ebay are being sold by jw's hoping to make a bit of money out of them ?